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What we choose to share, defines who we are.

These blogs are about 'observations.' Day to day life observations that transcends our personal and professional life. What we choose to remember, what we choose to share, reminds us what we value the most.

These blogs are also about paying it forward. Life has been kind to me. My life lessons have been shaped by my family, friends, and colleagues and through my years of living in seven countries and traveling to hundred plus, these experiences have embedded lessons reflected on these blogs. If any reader benefits from it, I have managed to pay forward a little. 

The thing about blogs, not every observation applies to you nor do we have to agree on the views. It is just an open door invitation to have a conversation and learn about each others' view more.

To the inquisitive mind, read on!


Personal Purpose

These conversations are also happening between my two boys and me, preparing them to be responsible adults in the world.I have to role model the right behaviors if I expect my boys to be strong responsible and respectful men.

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